Are Car Lots Open on Sunday?

Whenever we decide to purchase a car, it is worth looking at what car lots are available. Specifically, it would be helpful in planning to ask questions like: “Are car lots open on Sunday?” Of course, it is not so straightforward to answer.

If you’re looking for car lots in Killeen, you might know that some stores are not open on Sundays because there are “Blue Laws” in operation.

Therefore, car dealerships may be closed (maybe open in some U.S. states), even on the weekend, if the stores occur beyond major or small cities.

Are Car Lots Open on Sunday?

Some are open, and some aren’t, depending again on local laws as well as the dealership’s operating policy. Many car lots are actually open here in Killeen, but their opening hours are different.

Therefore, if you want to visit a car lot in Killeen on Sunday but don’t know much about it, I think you should look up the car lot’s specific hours beforehand. It’s important to know in advance whether a car lot is actually open on Sundays.

Visiting a car lot on Sunday is sometimes a matter of disappointment. Many car shoppers like the convenience of extended weekend hours to match their own typically free days.

However, in many locales, car lots are closed anyway because of a blue law, which restricts or prohibits specific activities on Sundays.

Dealerships that do open just a day a week tend to operate shorter hours and spend the weekend shuttered.

Customers searching for an automobile on a Sunday should check those hours online before driving out there. Otherwise, the trip is a bust

This scheduling speaks to a patient and prepared consumer, someone who plans to shop for a car on Sunday because it can be done efficiently within the larger goals of one’s weekend.

Consumers can avoid unnecessary trips by checking the specific hours, services, and vehicles present on a given weekend.

Sunday Car Sales: State Regulations And Exceptions

In this segment of the blog post, we will detail those rules, such as Blue Laws, and the states that enforce a ban on car sales on a Sunday

They vary state by state, with some allowing for car dealership sales on a Sunday while others do not..

Blue Laws And Auto Dealerships

Blue Laws prohibits activity on Sundays. These laws go back to the earliest days of our colony. It is intended to encourage rest on Sunday. And to participate in worship.

More than 20 states have parts of these ancient laws in place today. Car dealerships have to close on Sunday in some states because of these rules.

Sunday Car Sales: State Regulations And Exceptions

This helps to make sure employees get time to rest. However, it can restrict shopping hours for buyers.

States With Sunday Car Sales Bans

Not all states have the same rules for selling a car on Sunday. The table below gives a list of states that you can not buy a car on Sunday.

  • Colorado: Except in counties with low populations.
  • Illinois: Local governments can choose to allow Sunday sales.
  • Indiana: Statewide ban with no exceptions.
  • Iowa: No sales allowed on Sundays.
  • Maine: Dealerships stay closed on Sundays.
  • Maryland: Some counties permit Sunday sales.
  • Minnesota: A complete ban on Sunday car sales.
  • New Jersey: Sales are not allowed on Sundays.
  • North Dakota: Dealerships are closed on Sundays.
  • Oklahoma: Certain areas have bans on Sunday sales.
  • Pennsylvania: Limited hours for Sunday sales.
  • Wisconsin: No car sales on Sundays.

 Of course, there are exceptions. Some states permit sales in a few specially designated areas or under limited circumstances.

But check your local law before you make a plan to visit a dealer on a Sunday. 

Consumer Impact: Shopping For Cars On Weekends

Weekends are generally the popular days for car buyers to pay a visit to dealership showrooms since most people are occupied on weekdays.

That’s why they have limited time to make important decisions, and maybe Sundays are the days when people ask themselves about dealership business activities.

Advantages Of Weekend Car Shopping

Weekends will work perfectly for car hunting. Shopping for a car can take a lot of time, especially if you want to visit more than one lot.

It will be easy to go to different lots on a weekend because there is no work interference. It is a known fact that most families treat buying a car as a family decision. It is hard to correlate family members and work during the week.

Therefore, a lot of people want to purchase a car during the weekend so they can bring the whole family into the decision.

  • More time to test drive and compare options.
  • Opportunity for family involvement in the selection process.
  • Reduced pressure with a relaxed atmosphere.

Challenges Faced By Buyers

Nevertheless, time constraints are often associated with the weekend as well. Longer waiting times are likely to occur during periods of higher foot traffic.

Consumer Impact: Shopping For Cars On Weekends

Some buyers feel stressed or hurried when visiting the dealers during rush hours. Additionally, since not all car dealers are open on Sundays, the selection on weekends might be reduced.

Dealership Perspectives On Sunday Operations

While some dealership management may see benefits in closing shop on Sunday, others worry about lost sales. Let’s look at the issue more closely.

Benefits Of A Day Off For Employees

  • Improved Morale: Rested employees work better.
  • Work Life Balance: Time off boosts happiness.
  • Reduced Burnout: A day off reduces stress.

Happier staff, they explain, are more adept at selling. Top candidates are more impressed by a company that grants them flexibility around their children.

Potential Revenue Implications

The reasons behind the decision to close on Sundays are complex. On the one hand, dealers are keen to see their staff satisfied, so closing might ensure that they don’t alienate a key group of people responsible for crucial sales.

On the other hand, dealers also understand that they might lose business if they close for half a working week each week.

So, some things are done halfway. IBM is like any other rational company, school, college, or council. It is open for shorter hours than usual.

Alternatives For Sunday Car Shoppers

A lot of dealerships do not sell cars on Sundays, and many potential buyers wish to make purchases on this day.

This section offers several options for those hunting for a new car on a Sunday. Options include using online resources or a private seller. Either route can provide interesting features, depending on the type of shopper.

Online Car Browsing And Inquiries

Nowadays, there are several affordable cars available. Because of the internet and the accessible online car shopping culture, it is not very hard to get a car, even on a weekday.

Online car browsing makes it possible for most buyers to see detailed photos and more descriptions of the car they want to buy and look up the specifications on the internet.

Alternatives For Sunday Car Shoppers

You can filter your search by your preferred car make, model, and price, among others. This also saves time, as the buyer can quickly get most of the information and use it to make a quick decision.

It is possible to send messages to highlight your interest in a deal directly from dealers’ websites or through their email accounts.

Some dealers answer messages on Sundays to promptly answer buyers’ inquiries. Buyers can also ask for further information on the desired item or schedule an appointment at the dealership the following week.

Private Seller Meetings And Test Drives

In addition, unlike dealers from large car dealerships, private sellers can be flexible and convenient for buyers.

Test drives and appointments can be made for any time on a Sunday, arranged to their best advantage.

Buyers can inspect vehicles in extensive detail and have lower exit costs agreed upon. Most importantly, prices can be negotiated personally.

On sites such as Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, the car is listed by the private seller. You can scroll through the available vehicles and contact the sellers through the website.

You also need to check the history of the vehicle and meet up at an agreed spot in daylight and public.

FAQs on Are Car Lots Open on Sunday

Can You Buy Cars On Sunday?

Most car lots will be closed on Sundays due to state laws in the U. S., but some will be open part of the day. Check the hours online for a local dealership before you go. 

Is Sunday Car Sales Legal?

Whether or not state law permits car sales on Sunday varies by state. Certain states have ‘blue laws’ that prohibit car sales on Sundays, while others allow them. Check state rules to ensure clarity.

Do Car Dealerships Offer Sunday Deals?

Today, car dealerships sometimes offer Sunday deals, but they depend on the state, local rules, and the dealership’s policies. Watch their ads for specials.


In wrapping up, it is fair to say that Sunday car lots are abundant in some places and non existent in others, depending on the dealership policy. Before heading to the lot, it may be wise to do some online research or even call ahead to save time.

For those unwilling to deal with the hustle and bustle of weekday buying or low inventory on Sunday, some locations are open, yet few in most areas.

Check ahead so you know what to expect before shopping for your new car any day of the week.

Dennis Walton is an experienced automobile engineer and also an automotive blogger of How We Drive. He shares his automobile engineering like vehicles problem's reasons and the perfect solutions on our website. It helps car owners to solve small issues at their home.

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