Safety Features in A Car While Driving

Road accidents is the one of the top reason behind the casualties. To make drive relatively safer safety features in a car is must now days. Every modern vehicle are comes with series of safety features which are programmed to avoid the accidents, lower the impact or reduce the risk in collisions or protect the people in the car or it comes in to an accident.

It is evident that cars should contain a number of security features, as these can prevent cars from causing accidents. Furthermore, they can slow down impact in cars that unfortunately happen to encounter collisions.

In addition to this, some of the features can ensure safety in cars afterwards too, commonly by letting the emergency services know about the car crash.

3 Safety Features in A Car While Driving

Some of the key security features in cars include airbags, as these can protect the head and midsection of potentially injured passengers in cars. Such features are particularly important given that car accidents are the leading cause of death worldwide.

Interestingly, many developed countries such as the United States and those in Europe demonstrate a decline in the number of road deaths since records began in the early 21st century. This change in statistics pertaining to road fatality is believed to have occurred due to the increasing prioritisation of safety features and components in cars.

For instance, seatbelt technology was initially implemented extensively in the United States in 1968.

Tail Lights

Tail lights are a vital part of the lighting system of an automobile. There are two main functions of tail lights. Both of them are important for our road safety.

It is more convenient to communicate movements through turn signals than by waving hands or using the horn. If there is truly an accident, emergency, or obstacle on the road, people can turn on the hazard lights which are also in the taillight system to warn the other drivers.

Another important function that tail lights play is visibility . If you’re driving at night, they make your car visible so that people don’t crash into your car. Similarly, visibility is main function of tail lights when there’s fog, snow or rain, etc. It is also required by law to have a tail light on a car. If there’s no taillight on your car, you might get a ticket by the local police. get a tail light from XK Glow.

Adapted Cruise Control

Adapted Cruise Control (ACC) is one of the more recent driver assistance functions. It takes over part of the driver’s workload. It works like the traditional cruise control, but also automatically adjusts the speed of the vehicle to maintain a safe following distance from the vehicle ahead.

Once engaged, the ACC monitors the traffic equally ahead at all times. It uses sensors and radar to check the speed and the distance of the vehicle ahead.

If the system senses that the vehicle in front is moving slower than the set speed, the ACC will slow down the vehicle for you by backing off the throttle sensor setting or applying the brakes.

Similarly, when the sensor detects faster moving traffic ahead the system will get the car back up to speed. ACC is the newest feature and is typically not included as a standard feature on many cars. A car equipped with a ACC will add one more layer of protection.

Electronic Stability Control

Other than the ACC, ESC is another high-end safety feature that is not generally supplied to regular cars. Electric Stability Control (ESC) improves vehicle dynamics by detecting tyre-front wheel skin-slip (the conditions when the tyres lose traction with the road surface, and when the vehicle begins to skid), and actively tracking vehicle motion and vehicle operator inputs.

Electronic Stability Control esc light

If it detects that there is a discrepancy between the direction in which the driver intends to drive the car and where it goes, then the system intervenes by turning the car using the brakes to the relevant wheels and by keeping down the engine power, so correcting the skid.

ESC light is a safety innovation; it adjuncts the driver to help him or her handle the car, in case that ability is impaired in particular conditions, typically while turning sharply, or when the road is slippery.


It is very important to ensure car safety as accidents on the road start to happen frequently. It would be beneficial for you to get a car with great safety features to prevent you from having road accidents.

Being able to have working tail lights, adaptive and cruise control, and electronic stability control is a great way to make driving safer for you and others. You should always take extra precaution while driving even with these smart features on your car.

Dennis Walton is an experienced automobile engineer and also an automotive blogger of How We Drive. He shares his automobile engineering like vehicles problem's reasons and the perfect solutions on our website. It helps car owners to solve small issues at their home.

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