A car can make a bit of jerking when it comes to a stop due to poor driving skills or loose components, which isn’t concerning. But, if your car jerking when stopped even after applying the brake properly, this can result in a more serious problem.
It can happen due to a faulty transmission system, damaged brake system, bad throttle body, or transmission control solenoid.
To fix the problem, inspect the car with a mechanic to avoid jerking or jolting the car when stopped, idling, accelerating, or driving.
Article Summary
Why is My Car Jerking When Stopped?
Brake and transmission problems are the two most common reasons that can cause your vehicle to jolt or jerk when stopped. Dirty fuel injectors can also make stopping the car less smooth. Below are brief discussions:
1. Faulty Transmission System
Vehicle shift gears when you slow to a stop. While changing between gears, a bad transmission can make the gear shifting unsmooth and cause bumps and jolts while slowing down to the park.
A clogged transmission filter can let the contaminant’s fluid enter into the transmission pump and cause low fluid pressure in the system.
So you can feel slips and jerks while shifting gears to stop the car. Another thing to check is the level of the transmission fluid.
If it’s low, the transmission can slip and cause the vehicle to jerk when you try to stop the car. Polluted transmission fluid can also cause reduced hydraulic power and slippage.
2. Damaged Brake System
A worn-out brake system can make the braking feel less smooth. Damaged brake lines or bad rotors can make the car jerk when stopped.
The brake disc or rotor helps decelerate the car with brake torque. The brake disc can wear down unevenly due to using the brakes more often and can cause pulsing or shuddering when braking. So, the discs need to be replaced periodically to retain the brake system’s functionality.
Another brake part to check is the brake calipers that press the brake pads against the rotors to run the wheel brakes. But a worn, rusty, or damaged brake caliper can cause the brake to drag and feel like jerking.
3. Coil Pack or Throttle Body
If your car jerks when stopped at a red light, it can be the result of a faulty coil pack or throttle body. The throttle sensor body controls the airflow to the engine. If it gets damaged or becomes dirty, you can feel erratic jerks when changing gears to stop the car.
The coil pack, on the other hand, helps keep cylinders cool. But it can cause fire due to overheating and cause jerking.
4. Faulty Transmission Control Solenoid
If your vehicle jumps or jerks forward when coming to a stop, check the transmission control solenoid. The transmission solenoids are made of spring-loaded plungers that are wrapped with wire.
When the wire’s coil gets an electrical charge from ECU or TCM, it opens the plungers so the transmission fluid flows into the valve body, pressuring the bands and clutches.
Hence, the transmission changes the gears so you can drive efficiently. But if the transmission control solenoid malfunctions, it can cause delay shifting, hesitation in shifting gears, and a jerking reaction. To fix this problem, you’ll have to have a professional mechanic diagnose and inspect the transmission.
5. Bad Torque Converter
You can blame the failing torque converter if your car jerks and the check engine light comes on. The torque converter clutch and torque converter perform the same task as automatic transmission as the clutch of a manual transmission.
These components protect the engine from stalling during the vehicle’s stop and boost the engine’s pulling power. But if the torque converter gets damaged, it can trigger a check engine light and store trouble code, causing jerks when stopped.
6. Bad Anti-Lock Brakes
The anti-lock braking system or ABS depends on the car’s computer and controls the brake fluid pressure to avoid the locks. But if the ABS malfunctions, the brakes can start acting strangely and cause jolting or jerking of the car when stopped.
7. Clogged Air Filter
The air control valve, air filter, and vacuum determine the engine’s incoming load. The air filter can get clogged due to dirt. It can cause air volume and power production and end up causing car jerks when stopped at a red light or idling.
8. Dirty Fuel Injectors
Fuel injectors can get dirty due to consistent engine misfires and cause jerks and cars to lose power. In this case, you should hear the engine stuttering noise.
To avoid this issue, you have to clean the fuel injector frequently. You can use a fuel injector cleaner to simplify the procedure, as it can clean even heavily carbonized injectors.
9. Engine Problems
Clogged Cylinders or Fuel System problems like a clogged fuel filter or a broken fuel pump make the engine jump and jerk.
10. Trouble With The Suspension or Steering
Misalignment or suspension parts can cause a lot of instability and jerk when the vehicle is parked or driving at high speed.
11. Issues With The Tires
Uneven pressure and old tires will make the vehicle feel jerky and may cause you to slide backward at low speeds.
How To Fix Car Jerking?
You can apply some effective tricks to stop your car without feeling jerking. Practice gradually letting off the brake pedal as the vehicle slows down to ensure consistent braking force.
Focusing only on the jump or jerk at the end will make it difficult to feel and maintain the right timing. So, try to feel it when you are braking so you can lift the foot naturally and get closer to stopping.
So, when your vehicle gets close to stopping, pull back the brake pedal a little bit and press it again gently. Instead of backing off all the way, pull enough to keep the car slowing down.
Slowly stop the car. Don’t stop the vehicle within 10 feet of your destination. The slower you go, the later you’ll start pressing the brake pedal.
Drive the car at a reasonable speed and try to apply consistent brake pressure. The braking will slowly get more extreme and shoot up at the end.
Fix the jerking when you stop your car by doing these according to the possible causes above:
Check Transmission Fluid
- Inspect Fluid Level: Be sure the transmission fluid is at a high level. Top it off with the right kind of fluid if it’s low.
- Change Fluid: Get it changed if the fluid is dirty or smells burned.
Engine Maintenance
- Inspect Spark Plugs: Replace damaged or rusty spark plugs. Make sure that the ignition coils and wires are clean.
- Clean Fuel System: Check the fuel system cleaner or have mechanics look at the fuel filter and pump clogs.
Air Intake System
- Replace Air Filter: Clean your air filter if it is dirty so that air flows to the engine.
- Check Mass Airflow Sensor: Get the mass airflow sensor checked and cleaned/replaced as required.
Brake Inspection
- Examine Brakes: Dial in squeaky brake calipers or bent rotors. Replace or fix the components if you see problems.
Suspension And Steering
- Inspect Components: Ask a mechanic to inspect the suspension for problems and align the wheels.
Tire Maintenance
- Check Tire Pressure: Ensure that all tires are inflated to the proper pressure.
- Inspect Tires: Find the odd wear or wear. Replace tires if necessary.
Scan For Error Codes
Search with an OBD-II scanner for trouble codes that may indicate specific problems with the engine or transmission.
Professional Help
Don’t be able to determine or repair the problem on your own. Go have your car inspected and repaired by a professional.
These should fix the jerking when the problem. Such issues will not be possible to happen if you do routine maintenance.
When Car Jerking is Normal?
Theoretically, when the wheels almost stopped, the brake pad gripped harder suddenly and caused a bit of jerk. The little bounce at the end of a complete stop is also known as inertia.
If your vehicle jerks when stopped only for this reason and there is no issue with the vehicle, then it’s normal. A driver can also eliminate this kind of jerk if he becomes careful while driving.
The front shocks and struts absorb most pressure to ensure a smooth stop. But a loose nut between the brake pedal and steering wheel can jerk your vehicle when trying to stop.
This kind of jerking is also normal or at least less dangerous. Lastly, a good driver eases off the brakes at the final moments of the stop to avoid this kind of jerk.
FAQs on
Why Car Jerk When Idle And Accelerating?
Your car can jerk or jump when idle and accelerating for many reasons, including dirty fuel injectors, clogged catalytic converter, or damaged fuel pump. A faulty spark plug can cause the engine to misfire, jerking or shutter while accelerating and driving. If so, you have to replace all spark plugs.
Why Do My Car Jerk While Driving at a Constant Speed?
Your car can jerk forward when driving at a constant speed due to a wide range of reasons. It can be due to the catalytic converter, gas lines, accelerator cable, or mass airflow sensor. So, your car requires deep diagnosis and inspection to solve such an issue.
Why My Car Jerk While Slowing Down?
If your vehicle jerks while slowing down or decelerating, it can result from a clogged fuel injector, leaking transmission, damaged MAF meter, or worn engine mounts. Inspect the brake system ABS or service the transmission to fix the issue.
Is It Safe To Drive a Car That Jerks When Stopped?
Although you could drive around with a car that is jerky from time to time, make sure to take it to a mechanic. If jerking is persistent, it’s an indication of something serious that can become progressively worse and could lead to unsafe driving conditions.
What Should I Do If My Car Continues To Jerk When Stopped?
If your car still squirts while stopped, take it to a professional mechanic for a diagnostic check. They can figure out the source of the issue and suggest a fix. You don’t want to leave the problem unattended, which might cause bigger problems or safety risks.
Final Words
If your car jerks when stopped and there is no check engine light on the dashboard, improve your driving skills. Handle the brake pedal properly, particularly when stopping the car, and then look for loose components inside the car.
But if your vehicle activates CEL and jerks when stopped, it can be a serious internal problem. So, inspect the car with an expert mechanic to smoothly stop the car.
I thought my car is gone. But it was the brake system fault that was causing jerking. Solved it, and driving smoothly now.