Secondary Collision Brake System Malfunction

A secondary collision brake system is a driver safety feature found in most modern automobiles today. The technology organizes breaks in a way that stops any further collisions from occurring after the initial collision has occurred with another moving vehicle.

Secondary Collision Brake System Malfunction is a vital vehicle issue that needs to fix soon. Read on to learn about the secondary collision brake system fault and what causes it.

What is Secondary Collision Brake System on A Car?

Secondary collision brake system prevents that by automatically applying your vehicle’s brakes immediately after an initial impact. In that way, the second accident is less likely to occur, or it is more probable a milder injury than at the time of the first collision.

The system is part of a new suite of high-tech safety features for cars that automatically activate if the airbag sensors detect a crash.

The moment the first impact occurs, it activates itself. Your car begins to brake, decelerating to keep you from moving forward and hitting other vehicles, objects, or others on foot.

Causes of Secondary Collision Break System Malfunction

There are a lot of factors that can make the secondary collision brake system fail, including…

Sensor Problems

The system is dependent on its sensors detecting a crash. If the sensors are damaged or defunct, the system will not activate.

Software Bugs

Like so many other electronic safety systems in today’s cars, the secondary collision avoidance brake is controlled by complex software. Bugs in that software can cause the system to fail.

Electrical Faults

A brake code, a broken wire, or an electrical connection can cause P0731 error code. A broken wire or electrical connection between the sensors and the braking system could be the culprit.

Failures Related to Mechanical Parts

The physical parts of the car, including the brake actuators, can fail, leading to system failures.


All vehicle amendments are required before anything else is rented. If a person fails to do the regular vehicle check-up, then the person has no idea of faults that develop between checks.

Implications of Secondary Collision Brake System Malfunctions

This secondary collision brake system failure also raises the chance of secondary accidents. Without an automatic braking intervention, a vehicle that just suffered a primary collision can continue to move.

This, in turn, might cause more damage to the vehicle, injure its occupants, and endanger other road users. In extreme cases, this failure can result in legal action and financial penalties against the car owner.

For instance, if the malfunction occurred because of neglect or failure of regular maintenance.

Diagnosing The Problem of Secondary Collision Break System

Unless you had some a priori knowledge about how a secondary collision brake system might fail, positively diagnosing the problem from the signal – running down the list of possible problems, so to speak – would take the form of a tedious and time-consuming black box approach.

One would typically need to undertake something like this:

Diagnostic Scanning

For newer cars, the OnBoard Diagnostic (OBD) system can alert the driver when there is a problem with the secondary collision brake system. An auto tech can use a code reader to decode these error codes, which point toward the defect.

Sensor Inspection

Inspect sensors for physical damage, mechanical adjustment, and correct functionality for everything that wasn’t checked at the inspection pylon. Sensors that don’t work or seem broken must be repaired or replaced.

Update the Software

Ensure that the vehicle’s software is up to date. Software updates can help fix known bugs and enhance system stability.

Fifth Check

Electrical Checks Check to see if the wiring and all electrical connections are intact and clean (look for any signs of wear, corrosion, or damage).

Mechanical Inspection

The components responsible for the braking function (brake pedal, foot actuator, and brake pads) are examined for signs of damage or wear.

Solutions To Prevent Malfunction

If your car has a secondary collision brake system and you have a problem, here’s what to do:

  • Find and repair the immediate problem with your brake system.
  • Have your brake system checked regularly, and if you have it inspected by a mechanic, make sure that he inspects all axles. Precisely even spacing between the points in green shows consistency in stopping with ABS on.
  • You use less pressure on the brake pedal when your car has ABS.
  • Exercise caution when going downhill to avoid sliding.
  • Anticipate turns and avoid them when possible.
  • Understand that ABS-protected cars can still experience collisions.


Do not attempt to repair the secondary collision brake system yourself under any circumstances. This technology requires advanced familiarity with both the system and the tools to fix it. These things should be left to a trained professional.

Make Sure You Have Regular Check-Ups: Have your car taken in for check-ups and repairs as frequently as the manufacturer specifies. Many companies may catch glitches in their products before they break. If their car starts to squeak, that’s a warning sign.

Software Updates: Get a free update to your vehicle’s software from the manufacturer’s dealer. Then, recheck the maker’s website and the secondary collision brake software to see if any releases or recalls have occurred.

Protect the Electrical System: Keep moisture, dirt, and glaring sunlight away from the car’s electrical system, and check all wires for rust or cuts regularly.

FAQs on Secondary Collision Brake System Malfunction

What is a Secondary Collision Brake system, and how does it work?

Secondary Collision Brake (SCB) systems are utilized on principles to avoid the effects of any further collisions when a primary collision has occurred. An SCB stimulates a deceleration of the vehicle speed and ends up the detrimental propagation into the vehicle. This SCB serves the braking procedure to the vehicle module once the results of crash sensors of a modern vehicle are detected. The system is appreciable for avoiding any further high risks of impacts such as other collisions, other objects or vehicles, and pedestrians.

What are the common causes of a Secondary Collision Brake system malfunction?

The SCB system fails to function for several reasons: wear out of the sensors, an electrical problem, physical damage, etc., to the system itself, software bugs (outdated or buggy software in the vehicle), and mechanical failures of the brakes, for example (brake callipers, hydraulic system, ABS).

How can I tell if my Secondary Collision Brake system is malfunctioning?

For example, if warning lights show on your dashboard upon braking, there’s a noise when the brake is applied, or there’s a slight delay between stepping on the brake pedal and the brakes applying, there could be an error. If it does not activate after a minor collision or if it fails a diagnostic test check, there could be an error. If you ever have any worries about your Secondary Collision Brake system, consult a qualified mechanic.

What should I do if my vehicle’s Secondary Collision Brake system malfunctions?

If you think that your SCB system has a problem, do not simply continue driving with blinking dashboard warning lights or any other erratic brake condition. Have the system checked immediately by a mechanic who is trained to diagnose it so that it can be fixed. Make sure to keep your vehicle software up to date to avoid potential software incompatibility matters, and the adequate pre-infusion of your braking system should also be carried out as prevention.

Can a malfunctioning Secondary Collision Brake system affect my insurance or legal standing?

Yes, the malfunctioning of the Secondary Collision Brake can affect your insurance and legal liability. For example, if it fails to prevent secondary collisions, the insurance company may raise your insurance premium or even refuse to pay the claim. At the same time, you may become liable for the additional collisions caused by the car. Regular maintenance of the system can prevent trouble with both the insurance company and the law.


Secondary collision brake (SCB) exists for the safety of the passenger and driver of the car. Its purpose is to save a life from vulnerable secondary collision impacts that occur just after the main impact occurs during the collision. This guide concentrates on various causes of SCB system malfunctioning and its associated sequences and the knowledge required before you face such safety with a great outlook.

Regularly checking up on your cars, with a backseat maintenance job, swift hardware repair, and getting to know the warning signals, ensures that your SCB system protects you and adds a dependable backup system when things get bumpy on the road.

Understanding the causes of the SCB system’s failure will help you become a more responsible, reliable, and safe driver and passenger, not only for yourself but also for the other motorists around you. Knowledge is power; be informed and be aware!

My name is Tom Vanderbilt. I am an automotive expert and renowned for my profound knowledge of automobiles. I have made significant contributions to the industry through my experience and expertise. I have a natural curiosity and fascination for cars. My journey is to explore the intricate dynamics between people, their vehicles, and the ever-evolving transportation landscape.

1 thought on “Secondary Collision Brake System Malfunction”

  1. The potential causes of the secondary collision brake system malfunction helped me for being relaxed. I had no idea that sensor issues, software bugs, or electrical faults could affect such a critical safety feature. Your troubleshooting tips, especially regarding sensor inspections and software updates, were really helpful. I’m definitely going to schedule a check-up to ensure everything is functioning properly.


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